“Free Adonis Booker” campaign launches with nationwide grassroots effort

Justice For Adonis and Theo BookerMy name is Theo Booker. I am the proud father of Adonis Booker who is a victim of falsely filed child neglect report.

I’m a home owner and I own a small business training security dogs for residential homes. I’m a good and loving father who has had custody of my son since he was 10 months old. He was illegally taken from me in California and placed in nonkinship foster care in Kansas City, Missouri.

My rights have been violated. I was not given due process, told of court dates or hearings. I wasn’t given any preventative services to keep my child in my home. I’m still unclear as to the actual allegations that were made against me and have not been given my fair day in court.

Now my son, Adonis, who is four, is suffering at the hands of Jackson County, Missouri’s child welfare system. I’ve written letters, made phone calls, gotten character reference letters all in an effort to FREE my son from foster care. He belongs with his father. I need him and he needs me.

I love my son. I’ve never done anything but put my son first. Thank you for reading my story. Please share it with a friend.

Adonis needs your help and so do I. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping us.

Please email me at adonis0789@gmail.com to assist me in this mission to FREE ADONIS BOOKER!

8 thoughts on ““Free Adonis Booker” campaign launches with nationwide grassroots effort

  1. Please bring my nephew home!!! His father was falsely accused!! WE WANT JUSTICE hes been gone far to long we want our baby back!!!

  2. Please assist with helphelping cousin to reunite with his dad n family. Theo is a wonderful father and the two need each other. Theo hasn’t been the same since his pride joy was taken. Help a heart broke father n son to get together.

  3. Bro I feel for you the system did the same thing to me and my daughter I fortunately was able to get her back after years but it is a long battle any hard one keep the faith in God pray everyday and trust that it will be ok they’re going to do put you throughthings just do them and get your child back

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